Drink More Water

You hear it all of the time from us…

“Drink More Water”

Why does your practitioner tell you to drink water after your treatment??

Not to “flush” out toxins, that’s a myth, but actually to rehydrate the body. Working the muscle tissue gets your fluids pumping out of your muscle tissues, which dehydrates you.

Just like our plant babies need to get watered regularly, our bodies do too. Hydration is so important for us. The adult body is made up of 60-70% water. Because we are all shapes and sizes, a good rule of thumb, is to drink half an ounce per each pound you weigh (half your weight in ounces). Drink more if your are exercising and sweating more, drinking diuretics (caffeine, alcohol, etc), and of course, after a body treatment.

Hot Tip from Lindsay, R.Ac. TCMD: “For some sugar-free electrolytes, add a squeeze of lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt to your water bottle. And keep it at room temp if you can!”

What are some other great benefits of staying hydrated?

Fewer headaches
Improved detoxification
Healthier heart
Decrease joint pain & keeps joints lubricated
More energy
Improved brain performance
Helps to regulate body temperature,
Deliver nutrients to cells
Keep organs functioning properly.
Improves sleep quality

Author: Margarita Linarez, RMT